А system, which contains the following document management features:
- Security policies for files and folders.
- A list of users with the appropriate access permissions.
- Ability to encrypt some or all documents.
- Files versioning and options to go back to previous versions.
- Powerful search capabilities in all folders, regardless of where the document is stored.
- Notifications when a document has been edited and who has made the changes.
- Ability for several people to work simultaneously on the same document.

A platform for an insurance company where brokers have access to all available products, offered by their company. The wholesale process goes through SharePoint, so that the broker can select the most appropriate product and sell it to customers. All documents that the customers need to sign may be printed out as hard copies.

A solution for a car insurance company, where all data for a certain claim is entered in SharePoint from the moment the damage of a car is registered to the moment the car is fully repaired and returned back to the owner. The system automates the whole process such as initial approval of the damage claim, assigning a car repair service, invoices approvals, and gathering all related documents.

A loan approval system, where all personal information of the borrower is entered in a pre-defined form. Based on the borrower’s provided monthly income and expenses the form goes through an approval process. Once approved, the system generates the necessary documents that need to be printed and signed by the customer.

A platform for documents sharing & collaboration, enhanced with extended search capabilities, which allow the internal policy teams to annually review, analyze, and draft the company’s internal policy strategies.

This portal is used by the commercial teams for their scheduled sales planning and goal-setting meetings. Key members across the entire sales hierarchy, including commercial directors, use this system to forecast, budget, and review sales activity.

A solution targeted towards the commercial business development team, providing a single mobile accessible application, containing all market information needed by the mobile Field Sales Force teams. It also provides a virtual environment for easy communication and collaboration, leveraging the knowledge of individuals to collectively generate a competitive market advantage through document and information sharing. The solution interfaces with tablets as well. It provides an easy-to-navigate search for marketing document routines by business developers.

A system for generating and managing purchase orders. It defines the different approvers based on the amount of the PO, checks budget availability for each request, generates all printable documents that need to be signed by the vendor, and provides pre-approved content to select from when filling out the PO request. Only authorized vendors can be selected through the system.

Approval of marketing campaigns. One place to enter all campaigns with all prerequisites and pre-defined details, campaign approvers, and execution steps. Once a campaign is completed, the system will be able to display the outcome results and all KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). New opportunities can be assigned to various owners, notifying them electronically about the respective actions that they need to take next.

A platform for Travel Requests made by business travelers. SharePoint generates a notification to an administrative office assistant, who checks for the best hotel/flight/etc. that meet the company’s criteria in terms of rates and location. The system sends the selected travel services to the employee and to a designated manager for approval. Once approved, the Travel Request form is sent to the Finance department in order to confirm that budget is available for this trip. The next and final step is for HR to update the status of the travelling employee and print out the Travel Request form, which the employee must carry with him/her throughout the entire trip.

A system designed for assisting users in finding the correct procedures required for purchasing any business-related items or services. Users located in different offices may have to comply with different sets of policies, suppliers and overall instructions when required to make a purchase. The solution provides contextual information to the users based on their office location.

A system for vendor approvals via SharePoint which sends a pre-defined list of questions to applying vendors. All answers are gathered electronically. Appointed stakeholders within the organization will have to approve/deny/ or leave a comment about the vendor application. Upon final approval the system sends all contracts to the new vendor for signatures. This limits any potential side agreements, as only those approved vendors can be selected thorough a dropdown list.

A platform targeted towards capturing, evaluating, sharing, replicating, and adopting any successful practices and lessons learned within the company. Users submit their experiences and share them for the re-use of others.

A system for work-related performance reviews and feedback. Setting targets for each employee, tracking their achievements, deliverables, and overall performance. All review meetings with the involved managers or supervisors are recorded in one place, which serves as a repository of all previous performance reviews as well. The system may also be used as a platform for gathering feedback from other employees.

An automated process for submitting and approving a vacation/personal leave request, which starts with the submitter, then goes through the supervising managers, HR, and then ends with the finance department. The system automatically checks for the employee’s vacation availability against co-workers’ availability, therefore automatically declining the request if there aren’t enough substitutes from that team. The system is fully automated with capabilities to send emails to the substitute employee, automatic entries in the Outlook calendar, and other features.

A system for onboarding/off-boarding employees that includes tracking equipment capabilities on company products which employees receive and must return upon leaving, as well as reading, agreeing, and electronically signing company policies and procedures.

A solution for business cards requests, which includes entering the staff person’s professional contact information (name, position, phone, department etc.), then manager’s approval, automatic ordering of the cards to the printing vendor, and internally billing the respective accounting department by office location.

An employee’s request for attending a professional training, seminar, or workshop that provides a thorough explanation and justification of why this particular training would be beneficial to them, disclosing the timelines and the costs. The request goes for approval by the supervising manager, followed by the finance department in order to confirm budget availability.

A request for access to the intranet site, which has pre-defined fields that need to be filled in. The request is re-directed to the respective owners for approval, notifying other managers involved in this process as well. Similar processes may also be designed for New Hardware Purchase Requests.

All company-owned hardware and software equipment is logged and tracked via SharePoint where all products are accounted for by displaying the location of the device, its status, its repair dates (if any), its due dates when its up for replacement, etc.

The legal department can use SharePoint to trace all claims received, then electronically assign them to various owners, as well as define the further actions that need to be taken.